SWOP Your Way
For God's Way
Running Low On Faith, Hope, And Love?
Are you desperately craving to live your life with more faith, hope, love, confidence, joy, peace, patience, self-control, and prosperity? You would like to believe in yourself and your God-given abilities. You want to stand up boldly in who God created you to be without fearing rejection, failure, anxiety, and guilt of letting others down; yet, it all seems impossible right now. You are really struggling to believe in God’s goodness because where are His promises of hope and a future? Life right now is nothing but struggles and hardships! You want to thrive – not just survive. You’re questioning God and really running low on faith, hope, and love. You think God has forsaken you.
The Root of the Problem?
Every single day, we face decisions that test our faith, integrity, character, patience, and even our peace of mind. Sadly, the real root of the problem is, most probably, that you were subjected to or endured physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Abuse leaves scars that last a long time, if not a lifetime. It affects your faith, relationships, and successes in life. You often lack confidence about who you are and what you can do. It has resulted in years of self-sabotaging behaviors, negative self-talk, and being incapable of loving yourself.
Therefore, you overcompensate in everything you do and become a pessimistic, people-pleasing, perfectionistic procrastinator. I know because that used to be ME too! The truth hurts, but there is no use in sugarcoating or downplaying our problems. Sooner than later, you will become stressed, weary, and overwhelmed. Eventually, hit rock bottom, lose hope and faith, and you might even blame God for your adversities. If not already? Yes, that was ME too! I shunned God TWICE.
Overcoming doubts to reclaim your faith, hope and love.
Sis, you cannot conquer your problems on your own. You cannot pour from an empty cup, nor will you find lasting confidence in your status, relationships, wealth, or belongings. You need to learn how to overcome your doubts to restore your faith, hope and love for God.
My breakthrough and healing came once I learned how to SWOP My Way For God’s Way. Know this! God does not want (or expect) you to navigate the adversities of life all on your own. All you have to do is to permit Him to help and heal you! He says: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you. I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26)
Once I Swopped My Way for God’s Way, I got to walk in His power to conquer my demons and live a more abundant, prosperous life. I have never felt more at peace! No more anger, resentment, bitterness, or self-pity. All of these I conquered through Him that loves me. Best of all, I learned about my true identity in Christ, as well as my purpose and calling.
My mission is to equip and empower others through the exact same process. Let me help you regain your faith, hope, and love in the face of adversity. Allow our Heavenly Father to heal you and fill you with His peace that surpasses all understanding. God is saying to you today: “Surrender now and be at peace with Me, thereby good will come to you.”
This E-Book is suitable for anyone,
no matter where you are in your walk with God.
Through four basic biblical principles, you will learn how to SWOP Your Way For God’s Way to be transformed and renewed. With these tools and strategies, you can conquer life’s battles and adversities to live a life of purpose and fulfillment to bring about positive change. It is time to learn how to stop denying yourself and God to receive your inheritance to live a fulfilled, successful, abundant life.
1.1 Surrender To Conquer!?
1.2 The Two Biggest Obstacles Keeping Us From Surrendering To God’s Will.
1.3 What Are The Benefits Of Surrendering To God’s Will?
1.4 What Is The Will Of God & How Do We Get To Know It?
1.5 How To Surrender To God’s Will.
2.1 Four Steps To Receiving The Gift Of Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding.
2.2 Seven Spiritual Discipline To Train For Godliness.
3.1 Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice.
3.2 Falling From Grace.
3.3 We Will Make Our Dwelling With Him.
3.4 Faithful Obedience.
3.5 The Truths About Grace, Faith, Works and Love.
4.1 Hollow And Deceptive Philosophies.
4.2 The Root Of All Evil.
4.3 A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey.
4.4 There Should Be No Poor.
4.5 The Windows Of Heaven.
4.6 SWOP Your Automatic Negative Thoughts With Proclamations Of Your Identity In Christ.
4.7 How To Stop The 3 Biggest Dream Killers.
4.8 SWOP Your Hurts For Love And Forgiveness.
4.9 SWOP The Heart Of Stone From Your Body For A Heart Of Flesh.
4.10 SWOP Your Anxieties For The Peace Of God.
4.11 SWOP Despair For Perseverance.
- Nothing Will Be Impossible For You.
- Your Victory Is In Christ.
Your time has come. Surrender to Conquer!
Not for one moment do I believe it is a coincidence that you navigated your way to this page. Nothing in life happens by chance. I am convinced God stirred your heart in some way while glancing over this page.
So ask yourself this:
Are you willing to surrender to God and be at peace, or will you continue to lean on your own abilities and understanding? Do you want to FEEL better for a little while or BECOME better once and for all? Are you ready to conquer your hindering beliefs and fulfill your purpose of creating an extraordinary life for yourself AND your loved ones? Isn’t it time to SWOP Your Way For God’s Way? What are you waiting for? Act now! Procrastination only leads to defeat – and defeat gives the enemy power! You have to put your faith into action.
Remember, faith without works is dead. It’s time to focus on God and his power, not the size of the challenge or the resources you have. Expect the best and accomplish the impossible. Nothing will be impossible for you because He loves you and can do immeasurably more than you can even ask or imagine. Be ready to be transformed into a warrior of love and light to share your gifts with the world. Victory awaits.
Brothers and sisters, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choice of you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble. 2 Peter 1:10
About the author:
Wilma Mostert is a Certified Christian Life Coach for Spiritual Growth and Success Habits. She’s been married for 23 years, is a Homeschooling Mom of two young men, and is also the face behind Total Fitness God’s Way. Aside from her work, she is passionate about traveling, hiking, nature (beach and mountains), and photography.
Her decision to become a Certified Christian Transformation Coach was influenced by the adversities she experienced throughout her life. She was just 15 months old when her father was murdered and subsequently endured sexual, physical, and verbal abuse throughout her childhood. Ultimately, it led to psychological problems that negatively affected her relationships, marriage, and finances.
Finally, when she hit rock bottom and had a mental meltdown, she questioned and blamed God for all her afflictions. When God stepped in, she finally learned to surrender and fully trust Him. Now, as a testament to His grace and mercy, she is on a mission to advance the Kingdom by teaching you how to SWOP Your Way For God’s Way through Surrender.
This book is based on my personal life and work experience as a Certified Christian Transformation Coach and NLP Master Practitioner. Please note that I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional. This book is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical, or other qualified professionals. Please seek independent professional guidance for such matters. This book does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
I cannot guarantee any results or outcomes if you choose to purchase this book. I cannot be held responsible for the success or failure of your personal life decisions, goals, relationships, business decisions, your finances, your well-being, or any other result or consequence of any kind that you may have as a result of the information presented to you through this book.